All the proof aggregation solutions will use RISC-V zkVMs

All the proof aggregation solutions will use RISC-V zkVMs

In recent months, we have witnessed the development and enhancement of general proving virtual machines such as Risc0, Valida, Jolt, and SP1. These innovations allow users to write ordinary code in languages like Rust or C and generate proofs demonstrating the integrity of computations. This evolution is poised to transform application development, provided we have verification networks with high throughput and low cost. This is the core vision of Aligned and the reason we are building it: the future belongs to provable applications.

The performance and user experience of these virtual machines, which use hash-based proving systems, reveal two important points:

  1. Hash-based proof systems are excellent and fast at proving general computations without needing setup ceremonies, despite having larger proof sizes compared to elliptic-curve-based systems.

  2. It is crucial to simplify the process of writing applications, enabling new developers to create innovative technologies using this fantastic ZK tooling.

    We have come a long way from writing circuits almost by hand, dealing with expensive computations, extensive parameter lists, and having ZK technology accessible only to researchers and cryptographers.

We recognized the potential of provable virtual machines and hash-based (STARKs) systems early on when Lambda began its journey with the Cairo-VM. The combination of a simple proof system with battle-tested tools like hash functions and the FFT, along with the ability to write provable applications in a developer-friendly manner, is key to the mass adoption of ZK technology. While it may lack the elegance or appeal to some researchers, it offers what we need from an engineering perspective: practicality and a positive user experience for developers.

Aligned was formed with Lambda’s engineering mindset and a clear understanding of the actual users: developers writing verifiable applications. We may not yet know what many of these applications will look like, but our primary goal is to make writing and verifying them easy, affordable, and fast.

This principle also applies to recent technological developments, such as aggregation layers. Using these VMs simplifies building aggregation layers: you simply use the VM to prove the verification code written in Rust, and you are ready to go. Need a new proof system to aggregate? You just need the verification code in Rust.

We believe that all aggregation layers will eventually adopt hash-based proving systems and zkVMs over elliptic-curve and circuit-based approaches. Even our competitors who chose Groth16 will likely move in this direction. It’s simpler to use, easier to maintain, less prone to bugs, and eliminates the need to redo setups if a bug is found or to write a new circuit for a new proof system. They are beginning to realize what we recognized two years ago.

Today, we have various tools for proving Rust code, and many more will emerge in the coming months and years, leading to commoditization. The specific zkVM used to prove RISCV/Rust won't matter; the key factors will be the solution's brand and network effects.

The provable future is here; we anticipated it two years ago, but the tools were not ready. We started developing on this idea back in January when we made public our first whitepaper for Aligned. Now that the technology has matured, we need to eliminate the next bottleneck to fully unleash this potential: fast and cheap verification for everyone. That’s why we are building Aligned as a fast, affordable economic verification layer and an aggregation layer that inherits Ethereum's security.

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Aligned 20 Jan 2025 查看博客文章 2024 年是零知识(ZK)技术发展历程中具有里程碑意义的一年,我们取得了重大的突破,接下来让我们一起来回顾一些闪光时刻: ✅ 重要公告 零知识技术进入以太坊共识层 Justin Drake 提出了“Beam 链”,旨在重新设计以太坊共识层。这一提议旨在通过“snark化”以太坊链,开启以太坊共识的新纪元。 了解更多 Aligned 主网测试版正式上线 令人激动的是,从零起步到主网的成功上线,仅间隔了一年时间。 阅读全文 引入 ZK-STARKs 到比特币网络 StarkWare 以扩展以太坊而闻名,现在正将其专业技术应用于比特币。这一举措有望帮助实现中本聪的愿景。 了解更多 ✅ 研究成果 证明系统 * Circle STARKs Polygon 与 StarkWare 联合完成的一项研究,推动了 STARK 技术的应用。了解更多

By Aligned