Aligned Bounties Lambda Hack Week 2

Aligned Bounties Lambda Hack Week 2

The second Lambda Hack Week is nearly here, and we are offering a prize pool for projects building on top of Aligned. Only a few spots remaining! Click here to register! 📆 July 6th to 9th 2024📍 Brussels.

Our bounties will be awarded to projects that build innovative technology using Aligned for ZKP verification, or extend the capabilities of Aligned by contributing to our open-source project.

Below we provide a non-exhaustive list of potential ideas. We invite you to reach out to our team members at Lambda Hack Week to discuss project ideas if you will be using Aligned for your hackathon project!


  • Create a project that demonstrates how Aligned can be used for cheap and fast ZKP verification, thus enabling new types of blockchain infrastructure or consumer dApps (bounties 1 & 2).

    • The project must use Aligned to verify ZK proofs.

    • The project must be deployed on the Ethereum Holesky testnet.

  • Improve the Aligned developer experience (bounty 3).

  • The project must use a clear Open Source License: MIT, GNU, Unlicensed, or any standard open source license your team wants.

  • The project must include appropriate documentation, including:

    • A that describes the project and rationale, provides backgrounds/biographies of team members, and notes on challenges you faced when building the project.

    • Easy to follow deployment and execution instructions.

    • Documentation that allows for others to reproduce your project.


Bounty 1: Infrastructure using Aligned for verification

Build infrastructure using Aligned to verify proofs.


  • 1st place: $4000

  • 2nd place: $2500

  • 3rd place: $1000

Here is a list of potential ideas:

  • Fast bridging solutions.

  • ZK Oracles.

    • Implement a basic oracle system on Aligned that queries a price endpoint in rust and generates a proof of this using SP1.
  • ZK Coprocessors.

  • Verifiable Machine Learning.

  • Verify a verkle proof using Aligned.

  • Verify a ssz proof using Aligned.

  • Build an application using a multi proof system that leverages Aligned. Use multiple rust provers and/or Gnark to have a more robust application, that needs multiple proving systems to agree before doing an action

  • Build the first ZK rollup on top of Aligned (either create only the smart contracts with a simple State Transition Function)

  • Soft finality solutions for Rollups and Appchains.

  • New settlement layers (use Aligned + EigenDA) for Rollups and Intent based systems.

  • Encrypted mempools using SNARKs to show the correctness of the encryption.

  • Alternative L1 <> Ethereum interoperability solutions.

  • Cheap verification and interoperability for identity protocols.

  • New credential protocols such as zkTLS based systems.

  • P2P protocols based on SNARKs such as payment systems and social networks.

  • Based Rollup infrastructure.

  • ZK-based onchain gaming infrastructure.

Bounty 2: Consumer dApps using Aligned for verification

Build fun games & puzzles using Aligned and unleash your creativity.

This bounty will be awarded to projects which use Aligned to build something that can engage consumers and create fun onchain experiences for users. Judging will take into account user experience, virality, and ease of taking live onto mainnet.


  • 1st place: $4000

  • 2nd place: $2500

  • 3rd place: $1000

Here is a list of potential ideas:

  • ZK Games in Aligned

    • ZK Wordle and then mint an NFT in Ethereum

    • ZK Sudoku and then mint an NFT in Ethereum

    • ZK Tetris with an onchain leaderboard

  • Run a compiler in SP1 or RISC Zero and post a proof to Aligned.

  • Migrate any Halo2 games and examples to Aligned.

  • Run Doom with RISC Zero/SP1 on Aligned.

Bounty 3: Build Aligned Tooling

Help accelerate Aligned’s roadmap by contributing to our project and extending its capabilities.


  • 1st place: $4000

  • 2nd place: $2500

  • 3rd place: $1000

Here is a list of potential ideas:

  • Build a Go, Python, or Typescript SDK for interacting with Aligned.

  • Tooling to improve the Aligned developer experience.

The above ideas are only guidelines!

We encourage you to brainstorm your own ideas.

Come and show us what's possible by building on our fast and cheap zk-verification layer!

Stay tuned:  🐦 Twitter | 🗨️ Telegram | 👾 Discord | 🌐 Website | 📝 Manifesto

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