ZK-News - 14th-20th October '24

ZK-News - 14th-20th October '24

✨ ZK-Newsflash! ✨

Here are the highlights of what happened in the ZK space last week, 14th - 20th October.

Alignoors, get ready! We couldn't be more excited to announce the judges for the Aligned Builders Hackathon! 🎉

We're thrilled to have:

Vanishree Rao, founder Fermah.

Nader Dabit, director of devrel EigenLayer.

Austin Griffith, founder BuidlGuidl.

dcbuilder, research engineer World.

Don't forget to check out our posts on the judging criteria and prizes, as well as detailed information about the hackathon. You can find this in the linked thread.

We're proud to have hosted the Aligned Hackerhouse in Istanbul, connecting with talented developers! 💻

This Hackerhouse led to some incredible ideas and projects. It's exciting to see innovative use cases for ZK and how it can impact the world!

We are grateful to node101 for helping us grow our connections with the Turkish community. Teşekkürler!

Federico Carrone made a disruptive announcement introducing Rogue, a decentralized ZK L2 owned by its community. 🥊

This project was born as a response to the multiple problems that the crypto landscape currently presents.

Its main goal is bringing crypto back to its foundational roots.

✅ No VCs.

✅ No team allocation.

✅ And a fair launch that ensures equal access for everyone.

Are you going rogue?

If you wanna be a protagonist of the story, read the full announcement here.

StarkWare presents an overview of the developer ecosystem on Starknet. ⚡️

The announcement highlights key metrics, including the number of active Cairo developers per month and the growth of Starknet's developer community over time. Furthermore, the announcement provides resources to support new developers.

Impressive progress. Congrats to Starknet and its community.

Mina shared its product priorities for the next six months. 💜

This roadmap aims to:

✅ Enhance App Development.

✅ Build Key Web3 Infrastructure.

✅ Support End-User Growth.

This is a very exciting update. Read on to learn more about the cool new capabilities coming soon to Mina.

Nexus hosted Giacomo Fenzi’s talk on STIR: Reed-Solomon Proximity Testing with Fewer Queries. 🚀

The event took place on October 16th and was co-hosted by Polyhedra and Zhenfei Zhang.

These initiatives are incredibly interesting and useful. Congratulations!

Another amazing The Rollup episode about ‘Why ZK is Perfect for Offchain Computation’ with Michael Dong of Brevis. 📢

They discussed:

✅ The limitations of onchain computation.

✅ Why they chose to use EigenLayer.

✅ What usecases exist for coprocessors.

✅ And many more.

Listen to it and deep dive into this insightful conversation.

Stay tuned:  🐦 Twitter | 🗨️ Telegram | 👾 Discord | 🌐 Website | 📝 Manifesto

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Aligned 20 Jan 2025 查看博客文章 2024 年是零知识(ZK)技术发展历程中具有里程碑意义的一年,我们取得了重大的突破,接下来让我们一起来回顾一些闪光时刻: ✅ 重要公告 零知识技术进入以太坊共识层 Justin Drake 提出了“Beam 链”,旨在重新设计以太坊共识层。这一提议旨在通过“snark化”以太坊链,开启以太坊共识的新纪元。 了解更多 Aligned 主网测试版正式上线 令人激动的是,从零起步到主网的成功上线,仅间隔了一年时间。 阅读全文 引入 ZK-STARKs 到比特币网络 StarkWare 以扩展以太坊而闻名,现在正将其专业技术应用于比特币。这一举措有望帮助实现中本聪的愿景。 了解更多 ✅ 研究成果 证明系统 * Circle STARKs Polygon 与 StarkWare 联合完成的一项研究,推动了 STARK 技术的应用。了解更多

By Aligned