Announcing the Aligned EigenLayer Testnet

Announcing the Aligned EigenLayer Testnet

Welcome to the Aligned EigenLayer testnet.

This launch represents a huge step forward for our project and for the adoption of zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. We invite you to participate in our decentralised network, and join us in working towards our goal of accelerating the Ethereum roadmap.

By participating in this testnet, users will be able to directly contribute towards the development of Aligned, Ethereum, and ZK cryptography. This is also an opportunity to gain direct experience in developing verifiable applications and to learn about our novel approach for ZK proof verification.

To date, we have successfully verified and settled more than 19 million proofs on the Ethereum Holesky testnet, and can currently verify 1000 proofs per second.

The goal of this testnet is to learn from our community and demonstrate how quickly we can perform verification on Ethereum, at a significantly lower cost than was previously possible. We aim to offer a seamless developer experience and we look forward to your feedback. We have a dedicated channel for testnet discussion in our Discord.

Aligned is a decentralized ZK proof verification layer. We offer significant cost reductions for verification and are able to verify any proof onchain for less than 10% of the usual cost. As an EigenLayer Actively Validated Service (AVS), Aligned borrows economic security from Ethereum through restaking to ensure that proofs are correctly verified and settled on Ethereum.

Currently, proof verification is a bottleneck in the proof supply chain. Aligned is eliminating this bottleneck in order to unlock new services and applications. As a new layer of the modular stack, Aligned unlocks new ways to design decentralized systems that can meet novel use cases.

Our dedicated verification layer allows developers to verify proofs faster and cheaper than ever before. With Aligned, you can efficiently post your verified proofs to Ethereum (or in the future, to an alternative DA layer). Aligned has been open-source from day one. We’re excited to invite developers and users to experiment with our testnet by submitting proofs for verification. We support Halo2 and Groth16 proofs, and are the first ZK verification layer to support SP1 proof verification for Ethereum. When it comes to ZK, Aligned has no bias. We are focused on the future needs of our ecosystem. We will verify any proof and will support new proving systems as they are developed. This gives huge flexibility to developers; who can rely on Aligned regardless of their requirements or preferred proof system, ultimately giving them more ways to build new applications and blockchains. Our veteran team comes from LambdaClass, a venture studio with years of experience building ZK infrastructure for top projects in the ecosystem. Aligned allows developers to take full advantage of our ZK expertise, letting them focus on generating proofs for us to verify. This helps teams go to market faster - removing the need to develop customized verifiers.

ZK offers a secure and sustainable route to accelerating Ethereum. We believe that ZK is the future of decentralized applications, and that every Ethereum developer will benefit from learning about zero-knowledge technology.

For technical details on our testnet, you can read our blog post here. If you are interested in partnering with Aligned, you can contact us here.

Stay tuned:  🐦 Twitter | 🗨️ Telegram | 👾 Discord | 🌐 Website | 📝 Manifesto

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Aligned 20 Jan 2025 查看博客文章 2024 年是零知识(ZK)技术发展历程中具有里程碑意义的一年,我们取得了重大的突破,接下来让我们一起来回顾一些闪光时刻: ✅ 重要公告 零知识技术进入以太坊共识层 Justin Drake 提出了“Beam 链”,旨在重新设计以太坊共识层。这一提议旨在通过“snark化”以太坊链,开启以太坊共识的新纪元。 了解更多 Aligned 主网测试版正式上线 令人激动的是,从零起步到主网的成功上线,仅间隔了一年时间。 阅读全文 引入 ZK-STARKs 到比特币网络 StarkWare 以扩展以太坊而闻名,现在正将其专业技术应用于比特币。这一举措有望帮助实现中本聪的愿景。 了解更多 ✅ 研究成果 证明系统 * Circle STARKs Polygon 与 StarkWare 联合完成的一项研究,推动了 STARK 技术的应用。了解更多

By Aligned