The Aligned Foundation pledges 1.5% of $ALIGN to Protocol Guild

The Aligned Foundation pledges 1.5% of $ALIGN to Protocol Guild

We are excited to announce that the Aligned Foundation has pledged 1.5% of the $ALIGN token supply to the Protocol Guild. 

With this pledge, we affirm our commitment to Ethereum and to supporting the ecosystem’s continued development and long-term sustainability.

We invite you to join us for an X space with Protocol Guild on Wednesday December 18th, hosted by The Aligned Foundation.

Set a reminder here:

Our commitment to The Protocol Guild

Aligned’s mission is to accelerate Ethereum’s roadmap and the adoption of ZK. This pledge is meant to recognize and thank the core developers and researchers who have built the foundations for our work.

The Protocol Guild plays a crucial role in funding Ethereum’s essential Layer 1 R&D. With over 187 contributors, it supports critical areas such as client development, research, specifications, testing, and coordination. These contributions are fundamental to Ethereum’s growth, safeguarding the shared infrastructure that underpins our decentralized future.

We are dedicating 1.5% of the $ALIGN supply to ensure the Protocol Guild continues to receive stable funding for Ethereum maintainers, facilitating their vital work in preserving the network. This pledge underscores our belief in the importance of sustaining the continued development of Ethereum while avoiding centralized capture.

We call on other projects in the ecosystem to join us in this pledge and to help ensure Ethereum can reach its full potential over the years to come.

About Aligned

Aligned builds products to reduce the costs and improve the performance of verifiable computation. Our first product, the Proof Verification Layer, is built as an Actively Validated Service (AVS) on top of EigenLayer. It is in mainnet beta on Ethereum and makes ZK proof verification faster, more affordable, and more scalable by orders of magnitude.

Other products in development by Aligned include the Proof Aggregation Layer as well as a ZK-powered bridge. The overarching goal of these products is to solve developer pain points in web3 and to make the use of zero-knowledge cryptography more accessible.

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Aligned 20 Jan 2025 查看博客文章 2024 年是零知识(ZK)技术发展历程中具有里程碑意义的一年,我们取得了重大的突破,接下来让我们一起来回顾一些闪光时刻: ✅ 重要公告 零知识技术进入以太坊共识层 Justin Drake 提出了“Beam 链”,旨在重新设计以太坊共识层。这一提议旨在通过“snark化”以太坊链,开启以太坊共识的新纪元。 了解更多 Aligned 主网测试版正式上线 令人激动的是,从零起步到主网的成功上线,仅间隔了一年时间。 阅读全文 引入 ZK-STARKs 到比特币网络 StarkWare 以扩展以太坊而闻名,现在正将其专业技术应用于比特币。这一举措有望帮助实现中本聪的愿景。 了解更多 ✅ 研究成果 证明系统 * Circle STARKs Polygon 与 StarkWare 联合完成的一项研究,推动了 STARK 技术的应用。了解更多

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