Now live on Ethereum: Aligned Mainnet Beta

Now live on Ethereum: Aligned Mainnet Beta

After 9 months of development we are happy to announce that Aligned's ZK verification layer is now in beta on Ethereum mainnet.

This means that developers can now verify ZK proofs on Ethereum for less than 10% of the cost and that they can submit thousands of proofs per batch.

The mainnet beta version of the network can verify 200 proofs per second at a cost of 2100 gas per proof. This is more than a 10x improvement on the number of proofs Ethereum can verify, with over 90% savings. In the upcoming weeks we should be able to verify 10,000 proofs per second and at even lower costs.

As a mainnet beta release, we will be solving the following problems over the coming weeks:

  1. We want to make the batcher more stable.
  2. The payment system is the biggest bottleneck for the system. Once we solve this we will be able to significantly increase the throughput and lower the cost.
  3. The SDK needs to be improved so that anybody can integrate it more easily. Error management using the SDK will be improved to give developers a better experience.
  4. The network will initially be run by a smaller, whitelisted operator set. In the upcoming days, more operators will be onboarded to the network.

Though these important updates are coming soon, we have launched the network in beta so that our partners can already start building on Aligned.

Mainnet beta supports verifiers for the following proof systems:

  •  Risc0 (v1.1.2)
  •  SP1 (v3.0.0)
  •  gnark – Groth16 (with BN254)
  •  gnark – Plonk (with BN254 & BLS12-381)

See our docs for detailed information on current and planned verifier integrations.

All of our work is 100% open source and built in public since day one. You can find the code in our GitHub repo.

We built all of this in the past 9 months. In the next 9 months, we will build a lot more.

Stay tuned for big updates for developers and for the community.

Follow us on X, Telegram, and subscribe to our blog to stay aligned with future updates, releases, and opportunities. Join us on Discord to get involved with our community—more news on community initiatives coming soon.

For technical support, please reach out on Telegram or Discord.

It’s time to build the next generation of ZK-powered apps.

Send proofs.

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